ZAC Saint Martin
Impasse Saint Martin
84120 PERTUIS, France
T : + 33 (0)4 90 08 75 00
F : + 33 (0)4 90 08 75 19
We consider a business to be a space for mutual recognition and enrichment, where everyone feels driven higher; where each partner and each employee can learn from the others, share experiences, discover new things, and stretch their personal limits with and for the others. Work must be meaningful for each person, and each person must be recognized as an individual, above and beyond their role.
We guarantee a fulfilling, empathic and collaborative environment that is built to last, to meet challenges, and to cope with crises. We think the key is wanting to work together; and together, making people want to work with us. Making our customers and partners want to place their trust in us, so that together we can shape tomorrow’s industry.
Here at Eurodia, four core values inspire and guide each employee’s work.
Be agile, stay humble: for us, humility has been and always will be the absolute value. Listening, questioning ourselves, adapting constantly – are our primary skills. Seeking new solutions, challenging ourselves and daring to take the initiative, without ever sitting back or being content with the status quo – are all part of the group’s DNA.
Collective strength: now more than ever, the human factor is our value added. We are a tight-knit group where employees’ core character traits include listening, supporting, and sharing our knowledge and know-how.
We think that there are no good solutions, good technologies, or good machines without good people to invent, design, and build them. We define performance as the right balance of technical and human; of hard and soft skills; of creative and ingenious.
Satisfying our customers: this value is the exacting standard of service we deliver to each customer, but also to each partner and colleague. It demands that we put ourselves in the position of the person we are responding to; take the time needed to inform and train them; prioritize solving their problems; and meet our deadlines.
Committing to the planet and people: for us, responsibility is a value heightened by the industrial, economic, ecological and climate issues we face. The question of environmental impact informs each of our decisions and actions, and we strive daily to reduce our footprint.